别轻易为喜欢的人付出一切, 以免被人知道, 你的一切并不值钱。
Don't pay everything for the person you like so as not to be known that everything you have is not worth money.
都说爱是积累来的,其实离开也是,比如我难过的时候 你说好作,我失眠的时候,你依旧睡得早。
It's said that love is accumulated, but it's also true to leave. For example, when I'm sad, you say it's easy to do. When I'm sleepless, you still go to bed early.

Approached, also walked completely, silent person all ache than who.
I hate you for ruining my faith in love. You make me lose my light and make me dare not love someone seriously any more.

让人心凉的是, 在我这里你不可或缺, 在你那里我可有可无。
What makes people cool is that you are indispensable to me and I am dispensable to you.
Once for someone to pull out the thorn on the body, to the end only in exchange for a deserved.

I remember your appearance, but I haven't heard your voice for a long time.
I don't blame you. I blame myself. It's useless. I can't keep you.

Time will not let me forget you, will only let me get used to without you, I still have love for you, but I can do nothing, some people, after all, is expected, can read, can't reach!
Very sad, very collapse, very helpless, but who can understand it?

Some people turn around for a lifetime, you have no identity to see him, also have no courage.
Later, every time online, just to find someone's figure.

People who really loved can't be friends. They feel soft when they meet each other and fall into enemy's hands when they hug each other.
All regret and miss in the movie, there will be an explanation and an ending, but my life has not.
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