Life is like a ronin. After a short pause, he will never come back. ——Park Chung Hee
Boccaccio once said: poverty does not erase a person's noble quality. Even if you are ragged and covered with mud, your inner cultivation is also respected.

Gold and silver are far less useful than iron. The reason is very simple. People who think of others will become gold to others even if they only give them iron.
According to the count of Monte Cristo, all human wisdom is contained in four words: waiting and hope.

Perfect life is not, but as long as alive is beautiful, so we should cherish life, cherish life.
Jack London said, "as long as one has willpower, one can surpass his environment." What brings him this will power is reading.

Everyone has his own persistence. A lot of things, not because perfect, is worth a lifetime to adhere to. But with a lifetime to adhere to, to become perfect enough! ——Su Ling
In the river of infinite time, life is just a tiny wave. ——Guo Xiaochuan

Even if there is only one person who really loves someone, there will be eternity in life. Even if I can't be with that person. -Haruki Murakami
There is only one kind of true love for life after heroism is recognized. ——Roman Rolland

Bernard Shaw once said: "life is not a short candle, but a torch held by us for the time being. We should burn it brightly and give it to the next generation.".
Frankness: in the future, I will simply act. If I don't understand, I will admit that I don't understand. If I don't know, I will be frank. If I don't pretend, my life seems to be smooth.——Justice and smile by taizai Zhi
No one does not cherish his life, but few value his time. -Liang Shiqiu
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